All Official Source Build Roms For Lenovo A6000 Plus
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All Official Source Build Roms For Lenovo A6000 Plus
There are a lot of ROMs are now available for Lenovo A6000 and A6000 Plus. Previously Mohammad Shoaib & Harshit Jain and other developers at xda A6000 ported various roms . Harshit provided the first source build rom with a stable kernel . He made the source tree for lenovo a6000/+ and made it stable and bugfree .Later Mr. Hacker build some roms from source and now Hassan Sardar (Has.007) is providing support for some official roms. We now have 10+ source build roms for A6000/+ . most of the roms are working on Android Nougat 7.1.2 .
Here I have collected all official/source-build rom for the convenience of users . I will update the list as soon as we get new roms and new build of these roms.
You can flash custom kernels on these roms .Only flash those kernels which support official /source bulid roms. Check out Phantom Kernel for official/source build roms.
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